Anger Counseling
Be at Peace with Yourself and Others
Free Phone Initial Consultation 713-906-2221 Clayton Lee, CHt, LCDC is Certified in Anger Counseling. (Anger Management Counseling) There are many reasons for anger, whether it be outer or inner directed.
The Holy Bible Ephesians 4:26 speaks directly on anger:
“Be angry without doing wrong; let not the sun go down on your wrath.”
Anger by itself may be a natural reaction to a situation or event, but how we deal with our anger is the critical issue. One of the problems with recurring anger is the individual may not realize how often they become angry, or who they become when their anger turns to rage. Anger can even become a person’s ‘go to’ reaction – and they develop a blind spot of not understanding how they appear to others and how this behavior is affecting those around them, often the people who love them the most.
At Clayton Lee Counseling clients first raise their level of awareness to anger and rage, then discuss and process these unproductive, damaging responses in an environment of respect, compassion and understanding – without shame or guilt. Anger is a learned response which can be released, allowing knee jerk, seemingly automatic rage reactions to be unlearned as the individual returns to their natural state of God given happiness and joy for simply being alive.
Perhaps there are situations that may seem to have no answers. Perhaps there are intense memories that raise a person’s level of regret to such a level they seem to be constantly angry, irritated at even seemingly small, insignificant things. Perhaps an event, situation or result that seemed resolved or forgotten is getting in the way of a person experiencing lasting happiness and joy.
If you or someone close to you believes anger may be an issue for you – find out what that is and how to let go of it today. When you come in you will be given assessments that specifically focus on discovering if you have an anger problem, or a ‘hidden anger’ issue, to what extent anger may be inside you, and how to move through this upset, breakdown or disappointment.
If anger is holding you or a friend or loved one hostage, know it doesn’t have to always be this way. The gifts of peace, serenity, love and even forgiveness (of yourself and or others) is waiting – call me today. 713-906-2221
2022 Saturday Sessions Available
Phone Sessions Sundays if Critical
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or If You Have Additional Questions
Contact: 713-906-2221 (Tel or Text)
Please email or text 713-906-2221 for physical address